How to Become a Chill AF Guy

chill AF

Let’s be real – we’re all under a pile of stress, no matter where we live and what we do. This is true for men all over the world, regardless of their age, financial situation, emotional or social status. We all work more and sleep less than we should, and are angry, bitter, and aggravated most of the time. That’s why we need to change that paradigm and chill for a while. Finding inner peace might not be the easiest thing in the world, but it’s worth your time and effort. So, if you too want to become more chilled than ever, here’s what you need to start doing ASAP.

Love yourself

Falling in love with your partner is easy, especially if you feel instant physical attraction, but what about loving yourself? This is an issue lots of men are dealing with and they don’t appreciate themselves quite enough. Falling in love with yourself is a long process, and it that takes a lot of energy and effort. 

Start with simple things such as working on your appearance, hitting the gym and buying some new clothes. Additionally, be careful when you’re drinking and stop destroying your own body anymore. These things can go a long way and will help you love yourself and take your mind off everyday struggles.

Get cooler

This is another common problem that causes men headaches and problems. They either don’t think they’re cool or don’t feel they’re cool enough. Whatever’s the case with you, you should find a way to get cooler as soon as possible. Luckily, this is quite easy, and all it takes are a few easy tricks. 

Working on your image, taking care of your skin, and fixing your hair are the first things to do. After that, start socializing more than before, and meet some new people. Also, keep improving your game and always know how to act cool. Be on your best behavior, and everyone around you will notice how cooler and more relaxed you’ve become.

Take a break

Taking a break from your busy schedule is another vital step in the process of getting more relaxed. Find some time for yourself and dedicate at least an hours or two a day to your own activities. Play sports, watch TV, read books, or take a walk – whatever you want, as long as it helps you relax.

Using shisha is another great idea and something that’s guaranteed to make you relaxed. Whether you’re using it regularly or only on special occasions, you need to insist on the best shishas available. You could also look into a trustworthy shisha delivery service that will provide you with different flavors whenever you want. You can have them delivered to your home, and easily enjoy them whenever you want.

Boost your self-esteem

Working on your self-esteem is a long and tiring process, especially for men. They’re the ones who are supposed to be strong, bold, and brave, but sometimes it’s just the opposite. That’s why they face serious self-esteem issues and need to work on them.

From their skin problems and body image issues to hair loss and their finances – men are always under pressure. They’re expected to look, act, and speak the certain way, yet some of them aren’t able to do that. So, take a step back, accept yourself for who you are, and chill for a moment, man!

Become more mindful

Now, if you really want to become relaxed, you need to work on your mindfulness. Most men don’t even know what this means and believe it’s something they won’t be able to do. However, if you explore a few simple ideas, you’ll become a better and more mindful person before you know it. 

Think all your actions through, accept people around you, and discover your own spirituality. These things will help you see the world around you in a new way, and ultimately make you more relaxed. Always keep learning new things and upgrading your knowledge, thus taking your emotional strength to an even higher level.


Being a totally chilled guy sounds rather hard, but it’s really not. You just need to act naturally and never forget how amazing you are. Once you get there, staying cool will be easier than you’ve anticipated, and you’ll start enjoying life more than ever!

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