How to Be a Better Barber


It was perceived as quite unimportant in the past, but the facial hair of men and their hairstyle have come a long way. This is why the job of a barber is definitely one of the most important ones in this day and age. We all go completely crazy when we see an amazingly barbered beard or immaculate hairstyle. Since a barber can ear a lot these days, it’s very important that they strive to be even better and always follow the latest trends and get acquainted with the newest and most modern techniques. If you’re a barber, you probably want to become an even better one. But how can you achieve that in this day and age when there’s more and more competition?

Know the new terminology

Just like technology advances and everything changes, so do the trends regarding hairstyle and the beard. That’s why, if you’re a barber, you need to be acquainted with the new terminology. If you don’t know what “fade” means, then you have some serious homework to do. As far as grooming and shaving is concerned, you should also know when you are supposed to use a wooden comb and why, what is the double sided comb for and similar questions.

Have the right equipment

Another crucial thing that you need to bear in mind is that you always have the right equipment for the job. We’re not talking about the equipment that you use to make the best hairstyles, such as trimmers, clippers and such. What’s also important is to invest in hair and beauty supply that you need – shaving creams and gels, razors and blades and hair styling products. The variety of products that you have will do wonders for your reputation and can bring more and more clients in the future.

Strive for perfection

There are three words that you should remember – practice, practice, practice. You should try out your skills on your close friends and relatives, especially if there’s a new technique that you want to try out. Moreover, it’s always good to keep your eyes open for any trainings and seminars where other popular barbers share their experiences and techniques. There’s so much to learn from other people who do your job, so always be interested in expanding your knowledge.

Entertainment for your clients

Once you set up your barbershop, it would be a good idea to learn the tips and tricks to keep your customers entertained while they’re waiting for their turn. You can either choose to play some nice music to them, or think of different ideas that will offer uniqueness to your barbershop, such as different games, books, or activities that they might indulge in.

Think of what’s wrong

If you ever experience that a customer is not satisfied with your services, you should ask yourself why. If this happens more than once, research your negative points. What is the thing that you’re doing wrong? Is it the technique that you’re using? Is it the interior design or the cleanliness of the place? Are you using the right hair styling products? Always keep an open mind about both positive and negative opinions on your work and remember that it’s from your mistakes that you learn.

Perspective tips and tricks

It might happen from time to time that you finish a haircut that looks very good in your chair, but you see that there’s something wrong with it once they start walking out of the door. The difference here is one just a few millimetres, but it can be catastrophic for your future as a barber. This is why you should always think outside of the box, distance yourself from the client and see the result from a different angle. Turn the chair around so that the client is facing away from the mirror, and you will instantly spot any imperfections, which can save the final result and your business.

It’s not easy to be a barber, definitely. Not only do you have to always be in touch with the latest trends, but you also need to be fully invested in your job, and apply the same amount of hard work to any hairstyle and any customer. However, in the end this could be very rewarding, so always invest in your career. Barbers are very important today, and will continue to be.

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