5 Skincare Tips Every 30 Something Guy Should Know


Most men, especially the ones who belong to the younger generations, don’t pay a lot of attention to skincare. They think skin is something only women should worry about. However, once they turn 50, they usually regret not taking care of their skin when they were younger. Therefore, if you are in your 30s and you want to have young-looking skin when you get older, you have to try your best to take good care of it. This can be rather boring and annoying if you are a busy guy who doesn’t have a lot of free time, but there are some simple things you can do to make your skin look younger and healthier. Therefore, here are the 5 skincare tips every guy in his 30s should know about.

Book Yourself A Skin Treatment

Before you dismiss this advice completely, give us a chance to explain why this is a good thing for you. We are aware that booking a treatment with your dermatologist or at your local spa might seem rather feminine to you, but it’s probably something your skin needs in order to look younger and healthier. Therefore, don’t be shy to ask a professional to help you with your skincare. These days, getting a good skincare treatment is possible anywhere in the world. However, the best dermatologists and spas are located in sunny parts of the world where skin problems are more common. For example, if you live near Sydney, you can find a good laser clinic in Paddington where you can get all kinds of treatments your skin. These treatments are not too expensive and they can make you look young again.

Don’t Use Harsh Cleansers

Cleansing your skin is a good thing, however, you have to do it properly in order to make it look young and healthy. So, don’t use foaming soaps to wash your face, because you will remove oils your skin needs to have the plump look. When men start to age, their skin loses more and more moisture. This is exactly why having some oil on your face is a good thing because it allows you to have the young and plump skin. One of the most important things you need to do if you want to have young skin is to use hydrating cleansers. These products will clean your face from dirt, but they won’t remove the healthy oils. This means your skin will keep its moisture. However, make sure to use only warm water when cleaning your face. Using hot water will only irritate your skin.

Hydrate Every Day

Washing your face and hydrating your skin with various products is recommended, of course, but it’s usually not enough to keep your skin young. In order to have the plump look every man wants, you have to hydrate every day. So, don’t forget to drink water and other hydrating fluids especially if you exercise on a regular basis. Drinking enough water every day is not only good for your skin, but for your overall health as well.

Try Your Best To Avoid Smoking And Second-Hand Smoke

While drinking water is good for your skin and overall health, this can’t be said for smoking. The cigar smoke contains a lot of toxins that can dry out your skin and make it look much older. So, if you want to preserve the young and plump look of your skin, you shouldn’t smoke. You should try your best to avoid second-hand smoke as well. Being exposed to cigar smoke is not as bad as smoking, but it can also make your skin dry and rough.

Exercise On A Regular Basis

You are probably wondering what exercise has to do with skincare, but hear us out. Through sweat, your body gets rid of toxins that make your skin older. You don’t have to work out every day, of course, but you should exercise three days a week, at least. This habit will help you to look younger, but it will also make you feel much better and healthier as a man in his 30s. Therefore, don’t be lazy and try to work out three days a week. Trust us, your skin will thank you for it. 

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