5 Men’s Health Resolutions for 2019

men's health resolutions

As we’re slowly closing down 2018, it’s time to start thinking about what the following year will provide us with. Even though the future is always uncertain, there are definitely matters that we can take into our hands and actually try to make the best out of the New Year. 2019 should be all about health, as this is the thing that is indeed the most important. Love, money, doing the job that you like – they should all come after general health. So, what are the things that we can do to make us healthier in the following year? These are the five most important health resolutions that not only are super important, but you will be able to stick to them easily as well.

Take care of the largest organ

We’re going to start with the thing that’s always visible and what people remember us for – our face. Even though skincare is most commonly associated with the beauty industry, taking care of your skin is definitely a way of staying healthy, especially as you will be taking proper care of the largest organ of your body. No matter what our skincare routine during the winter months is, this season will definitely affect the state of your skin which means that you have to go the extra mile to keep your face completely fresh for spring and summer, especially if you like to grow your facial hair. Apart from introducing the best skincare routine that you can, it’s also very important to invest in the best skincare products on the market.

Start your day right

Without stating the obvious, we can all agree that diet is extremely important for keeping ourselves healthy. However, the day starts the moment you wake up, so working on your morning routine is definitely the best way to go. First of all, make sure that you eat a balanced breakfast full of vitamins and proteins – this is the meal that will give you the energy that you need and if you play your cards right, you won’t have the need to eat anything nothing else until lunch time. In order to make the best out of the situation, it would be a great idea to have a cup of the strongest coffee in the USA with your breakfast, as this beverage has quite a few health benefits and can lift you up very quickly. Apart from that, make sure to drink a lot of water or a freshly-squeezed orange juice.

Promise to work that sweat

It always happens like that – we start the New Year very eager to work out, and this is an idea that lives on during the first half of the year. It seems that after our summer holidays are over, we tend to forget about this resolution of ours, so we spend our days promising ourselves that we’ll go back to the gym the next month. Come November, we tell ourselves to start with our new workout routine just after the New Year. So, this year your New Year’s resolution could be to actually stick to your workouts. Exercising regularly is one of the healthiest activities that you could be doing, so it’s crucial that you do your best to make that happen.

Lose the snooze

The last couple of years have been tough – Netflix, the sudden popularity of social media and numerous TV shows have definitely had an effect on our sleeping habits. In order to have a healthier new year, it’s very important that you turn the tide and actually get those eight hours of sleep on a daily basis. How to do that? There are plenty of ways and ideas to help you, and one of those is by introducing the “Amish Hour”.

Hey Mr. Doctor

So, the common resolution might be to be healthier, but the one that sounds the most probable is that to visit your doctor regularly. After all, he is the one who will tell you what you need to pay attention to, and it would be a great thing to always be one step ahead of your own body. Don’t forget the dentist as well, as your teeth also fall in this category!

Staying fit and healthy is not a difficult endeavor, however dull it is. The only thing that you need is to stay focused and wholeheartedly wish to successfully complete this resolution! Good luck!

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